An evolving project. I love fish!
My primary research to this project has been my work created with the coast in mind. I have really enjoyed working with ceramics for the outdoor setting and creating something that can be touched and interacted with. My degree project “Waves” led me to enter for exhibitions, which have inspired me to progress my love for ceramics and develop an installation piece.

As my parents and other members of my family had all owned fish and chip shops this was the perfect subject for my final project.

Inspired by salted cod hung under a pier I began designing my final piece.

Through my research I valued the importance of eating traditional fish and chips, and so this became the focus point to my project. However, I still wanted to enjoy eating from my local chippy, as do many people - especially when visiting the seaside. I decided that cod, my favourite fish would be the focus of my project.

As with most of my ceramic pieces colour and mark making are important to me and so I researched marks on cod fish.
I experimented with shape and made paper formers. I used colour slip to experiment with pattern. I used lino prints to form a template.
Experimenting with porcelain and a variety of stoneware clay continued until I was happy with the over all size, weight, shape and pattern.
I wanted to continue the theme of the sea and coast and my love of fish and chips. At the time of deciding there was a lot in the news about Brexit and the fishing laws regarding Europe’s fishing industries; and more importantly the sustainability of our fishing waters.

Alongside this I wanted to add words and phrases from newspapers, my dads shop and sustainable fish sites. I decided to experiment with screen print. I used slip through the screen onto the porcelain to add the messages.